Wow your guests & Live Inspired



Discover the complete Interior Design Kit to turn inspiration into reality, for a luxury home that supports your goals, without getting stuck in project overwhelm.










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A well designed home can completely change your life - it changed mine...


If we haven’t met before – hi, my name’s Lana Mari. 👋

Throughout my life I have always recognised the joy a beautiful space has brought to my life but as time went on, and things got very busy with kids and a career designing and building for others to enjoy, my environment..slipped, into a place that didn't cause happiness, it caused stress. 

I knew what looked good, I knew what felt good, I knew that worked to set up a space to function and support us. But I ignored that knowledge and kept being busy...and stressed. 

Everything I was doing was centered around helping others, but until I sat down and really reflected on how we could reduce this stress in life, could I really understood the power of design. 

So I made a plan to transform our home into one that supported us, that inspired and provided joy on a daily basis. And not only did it transform our home, but it transformed my outlook on life.

Even though I knew these principles, until I prioritised and applied them I couldn't truly understand the impact on our family.

I now feel more confident in entertaining, with a home that represents who I am. I feel more happiness knowing the space is set up to support us as a family, and I feel excited for the future.  

Like our style, our home will constantly evolve with us, but if you stay stuck or live in an environment that causes endless micro stress, that can bubble up to something far greater. 

So I'm here to help spread the word on the impact good design can have on life and with that, created a product, that I believe, hasn't been explained in such an easy to follow format before. A system that anyone can turn all that inspiration into a new reality, regardless of skill or budget, with The Design Map™.

This system is based on thousands of hours of learning, of mistakes, of losses, of experience and in depth research, to create a complete product that I am so excited to share with the world.

But designing a home can sometimes feel really hard...

Interior Design can be hard because there are so many options, and little clear information on how to successfully make the best design decisions, for YOUR space.

So much time can be wasted with endless scrolling, leading to nowhere. 

Money is lost with spur of the moment purchases, that don't end up working, or causing more changes to be made than necessary.

Lack of knowledge or direction can lead to procrastination and a project that is never completed.

Relationships can be strained with pure frustration from not understanding how to achieve the best solution for a space, in a timely and cost effective manner.


So how do you create a design for your home, without wasting endless effort, time and money? 


With a clear system and comprehensive toolkit designed to help anyone achieve their interiors dream result.

Systems and tools provide clarity, and a clear direction to take towards your goals, in the most efficient and stress-free way.

This is exactly what The Design Map™ is built to achieve.


I'm ready, Take me there.

Design with Confidence

Learn how to easily create a design that works for you, your space and your goals with;

  • Trademarked Decision making Framework, The Wealthy Home Method™, for quick and effective selections.
  • 5 Stage System with all the information you need to make your space sing.
  • Step-by-step workbook, video series, templates, checklists and guides.


Host in Style

Become the ultimate host with a home that oozes beauty and supports your entertaining goals.

  • Styling Examples and guides for a completed look that will get your guests talking.
  • FREE BONUS guide on hosting, for an unforgettable experience. 


Space to Dream

Create a home that gives you the space to think, and dream.

  • Understand your requirements and vision.
  • Follow the Design Planning Trio system.
  • Develop the design with clear selections.
  • Execute in style, with purchasing and installation explained.

Real Life Reviews...

“This toolkit is everything I didn't know I needed! I'm working with a blank canvas new build and have a strong sense about how I want my home to look, and  how I want to feel in it. I've learned so much about how I can implement my style, make decisions with smart design principles and make a plan with clear direction. Amazing.. genuinely so helpful”

Brid Kinsella

"The Design Map has been an invaluable resource in organising the next steps for designing my home. It is so engaging, practical, and accessible - perfect for anyone feeling stuck or overwhelmed with design decisions. I'm so grateful for this kit, which not only provided clear direction but also reignited my motivation to finally start a project I've been putting off for so long. Thank you for creating such a fantastic tool! ”

Gillian Donohue 

"The Design Map is the tool I needed to confidently approach interior design projects in my home..and to keep me on track to a successful completion!..I know I will come back to use this again and again.”

Sandra Von Bergen

"This to me is the ultimate toolkit for anyone interested in style but unsure where to start, or for those with a busy schedule that find it hard to make decisions. Whether you're working on a large project or something small, it provides understandable design principles that are easy to apply without the high cost of traditional interior design. My new design is both beautiful and conducive to my personal and performance success.''

Amy Welldon

"This is a fantastic innovation which provides the everyday user with the knowledge and expertise required to transform a home..It has easy to follow videos with the workbook and guides, giving you everything you need. I felt completely at ease that as I work on my home over time, with this plan, I can unlock the full potential of my home,  save money, reduce stress and create a home that I can truly be so proud to share with all my friends and family.''

Deirdre Shanahan

“If you're looking to revamp your home or simply explore new design ideas 'The Design Map' is a game changer. I loved how it showed me how I can check that items fit in my space before buying, perfect for anyone looking to create a supportive ideal home with confidence.”

Amy Furney

OK so The Design Map™ has clearly worked for others, but will it work for me specifically?

Well that depends..every home and every space is unique, that doesn't come without its challenges.

Design success is subjective.

However this kit will help you save time, money and resources, with all the information you need to make effective decisions and avoid many common mistakes and challenges along the way.

This is not a done for you design, you do have to put in the effort yourself. 

BUT without a proven system to follow, that effort can be disastrous. 


This product is for anyone that values living a life of joy, with excitement, great relationships and endless opportunities.


It is for someone that wants to enjoy the process of building a beautiful and functional home. To create a design that they are proud to own and share. And not for someone who is less interested in interiors, that would rather have it completed in full by a local professional. 

My only objective is to give you everything you need to design a home that is perfect for you, and understand why it is so important for a better life. If this sounds like something you want, fantastic! Lets get started.  

It's for me, let's go!

How much does it cost?


For context, you could spend 2-3 hours with me for some design ideas and a colour consultation starting at €500 to €900...

Or you could get access to just some of this information through a full home design starting at €5,000, very much depending on the size of the property.

The other way to put the price into context is to think of it as an investment. An investment into a happier and more successful life. An investment that can be reused time and time again as you evolve through life. An investment that doesn't stop giving back. 

Especially given (a) how much your life can change, and (b) how much wealth you can stand to create if you build your confidence, joy and relationships. 🤷

Anyway, enough with the spiel – here’s the price.

One Time Payment


Limited Offer

  • Lifetime Access 
  • The Design Map™ Digital Workbook with printable templates and checklists
  • The Wealthy Home Method™ Decision Making Framework
  • 70+ minutes video series
  • Layout, Styling and Installation Guides
  • The Design Planning Spreadsheet
  • LIMITED FREE BONUS COLOURFLOW™ Consultation, with recommendations for you & your home. (Worth €150 alone)

Couple Bundle


(Usually €59 + €199)

  • Everything in The Design Map™
  •  COLOURFLOW  ™Consultation, with recommendations for you, your partner & your home. (Worth €199 alone)

Family Bundle


(Usually €59 + €280)

  • Everything in The Design Map™
  •  COLOURFLOW  ™Consultation, with recommendations for you, your family (2 Adults & 3 Children) & your home. (Worth €280 alone) 
  • (Contact for larger families.)

How does it work?

Colour Theory was one of my favourite parts when studying design, so much that I added to my qualifications with Personal Styling to go deeper into the connection and impact of the colours that surround us. 

The colours you wear have a significant impact on how you see yourself and the impression you give to others.

It can help you boost your mood, generate confidence, take action and create a powerful image when telling your story to the world.

Wearing the right colours for you brightens your skin, smooths your complexion and helps radiate your natural beauty at it's best.

The human eye prefers harmony so the overall goal is to create a balanced look. AND this also applies to the colours we surround ourselves in our home. It affects our mood, our mindset, how we look and how take on each day. 

So by analysing the colours that suit you, those results can then be translated into colours around the home. 

The report includes; Individual Colour Analysis, suggested paint colours from Farrow & Ball, and a guide on how to apply them in your home.  

You simply fill out a quick form, a few pictures of you in natural light (makeup free) and a report will be sent back to you in less than 72 hours*, the perfect foundation for any design.

Note: This can be done for everyone that lives in the home and suggestions on placement and combinations will be provided. 

*depending on demand this could a little longer, you will be notified of any short delays.

More Reviews...

“I am renovating my entire home and after going through this process, I feel so happy with my design and confident on how to execute it effectively and efficiently. I can already see how it will change our lives for the better.”

Sharon Russell

"I finally understand how my home has been affecting life up to this point, it's eye opening what good design can do. Let's just say I am so excited for the future.”

Eileen O' Neill

“Thank you so much Lana Mari for creating this kit and helping me design my new home. The Design Map was a game changer for me.  The system gave me clarity and focus which made me get things done quicker and I now truly love the design. I highly recommend investing in this toolkit.”

Lisa O' Brien